1. Cross hock takedown w/shoulder hold vs straight punch In this variation you slip to the outside of a straight punch and apply shoulder hold and take the opponent to the ground with a cross hock take down.…

1. Cross hock takedown w/shoulder hold vs straight punch In this variation you slip to the outside of a straight punch and apply shoulder hold and take the opponent to the ground with a cross hock take down.…
A sweeping hip throw is particularly effective when your opponent is moving forward or pushing on you or if he widens his stance in an attempt to prevent you from executing the hip throw. The sweeping hip throw…
There are several variations of the Cross-hock takedown and many ways to execute this technique under different circumstances and conditions and attack scenarios. The variations of the throws and takedowns are also meant to give the practitioner a…
There probably isn’t a scarier scenario than being unarmed and facing someone with a knife. Whether civilian or law enforcement or military, I think it is safe to say that if you find yourself in this situation something…
REVERSE HIP THROW (Neck and arm variation) Straight forward and aggressive this variation of the reverse hip throw is very ballistic and powerful in application. It combines forward movement with the impact from striking the opponent’s throat with…
The Hip Throw is not only a basic technique, it is one of the four major combat throws still seen in miliary combatives manuals to this day. There can be frequent opportunities to execute this throw in an…