HARAI GOSHI -SWEEPING HIP THROW March 10, 2021 4703Views 0Comments A sweeping hip throw is particularly effective when your opponent is moving forward or pushing on you or if he widens his stance i...
VARIATIONS OF THE CROSS-HOCK TAKEDOWN March 3, 2021 4035Views 0Comments There are several variations of the Cross-hock takedown and many ways to execute this technique under different circumstances and ...
THE CROSS HOCK TAKEDOWN: OSOTO GARI VS THE BLADE March 1, 2021 4234Views 0Comments There probably isn’t a scarier scenario than being unarmed and facing someone with a knife. Whether civilian or law enforcement or...
THE REVERSE HIP THROW: Neck and arm variation February 23, 2021 7300Views 0Comments REVERSE HIP THROW (Neck and arm variation) Straight forward and aggressive this variation of the reverse hip throw is very ballist...
COMBAT JUDO: HIP THROW February 17, 2021 4183Views 0Comments The Hip Throw is not only a basic technique, it is one of the four major combat throws still seen in miliary combatives manuals to...
DERMOT PAT O’NEILL’S WWII EXTREME CLOSE QUARTER FIGHTING METHOD February 11, 2021 8214Views 1Comment The cross-arm guard, referred to in combatives circles as the O’Neill Cover is often credited to Pat O’Neill. Dermot Pat O...
COMBAT JUDO: O’NEILL H2H BLADE TACTICS January 7, 2021 7192Views 8Comments The purpose of the study of O’Neill’s only knife technique is to provide a specific knowledge regarding the use of the knife in Ha...
Combat Judo: Entry, Disruption and Execution May 21, 2020 17770Views 10Comments One of the most glaring differences between the sport judo and Combat Judo (the use of judo in the military for combat) is the use...