1. Cross hock takedown w/shoulder hold vs straight punch

In this variation you slip to the outside of a straight punch and apply shoulder hold and take the opponent to the ground with a cross hock take down. This technique is best used when the opponent is moving toward you.

(1.) Your opponent throws a right straight punch. Slip the punch by stepping to the outside of his right foot with your left foot. Roll your right shoulder up to your chin turning your right elbow upward and parry the punch with your left hand.

(2.) Push off with the right foot stepping your left foot further past and behind your opponent’s right foot. Your right foot shuffles or slides up to the toe of the opponent’s left foot. Your right arm moves under his right arm and strikes him on the left side of the neck with the boney area of the inside of the forearm. Encircle his neck with the right arm and drive your right shoulder into his arm pit. Clasp your hands together with palms crossed and close your elbows in, applying pressure to neck and shoulder. (as you pull your elbows in roll the boney area of the inside of your right wrist into the side of the opponent’s neck.)

(3.) Step thru with your right leg bringing it up between your left leg and the opponent’s right leg. Sweep the opponent’s right leg with your right leg driving his head and shoulder to the ground.

(To do the takedown to the opposite side substitute the word “left” for “right” and “right” for “left”.)

(Please note: In practice this technique should only be trained to the point of breaking your training partners balance. DO NOT FINISH THE THROW in training. There is a danger of serious injury to your training partner.)

2. Cross hock takedown w/arm trap vs straight punch
In this variation you use his arm as a lever and sweep his leg to take him to the ground. This technique is a very quick takedown and is best used when the opponent is moving toward you.

(1.) Your opponent throws a right straight punch. Slip the punch by stepping to the outside of his right foot with your left foot. Roll your right shoulder up to your chin turning your right elbow upward and parry the punch with your left hand.

(2.) Step over toward his right foot with your left foot. Your right arm moves under his right arm and circles over the top. Hack down on his arm with the boney area of the inside of your forearm at crook of the arm at the elbow. (At the same time that you hack down on his arm drop your weight by bending at the knees to add power to the forearm hack.) Clasp your hands together with palms crossed and close your elbows in applying pressure to the arm bringing his arm tight into your chest. (as you pull your elbows in roll the boney area of the inside of your right wrist into his forearm.)

(3.) Step thru with your right leg bringing it up between your left leg and the opponent’s right leg. Bend at the waist pulling on his elbow. Sweep the opponent’s right leg with your right leg taking him to the ground.

(To do the takedown to the opposite side substitute the word “left” for “right” and “right” for “left”.)

Interested in more information about Combat Judo techniques and the history of Combat judo in the military. Real Combat Judo and Combat Judo to Kajukenbo by Barron Shepherd are now available in ebook format for 9.99 usd each.

Send payment to winterhavenjudo@gmail.com via PayPal. Be sure to leave your email address and title of ebook to access the download.

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